2004 Dynamic Dig Out

Despite the deluge Friday night, we were blessed with clear—even sunny!—conditions.  By 8 AM Dick had set up a sartorial spray station:  brass stanchions supporting an aluminum mesh. 

Inventor Meyers assembled his famous Bleach Bench: buckets with mesh bottoms inside other buckets. 

With his eye operation, Lou impersonates the Blues Brothers.

Rudy, Ann & Christine braved the fumes to dip cut tubers.

Later John redonned his HazMat gloves to man the bleach bench for Sat. PM & all day Sunday. 

Diggers Dana, Brian, Richard, Simon, Diana, Joe,  Roger, & Lou humped clumps


Indefatigable kids Frances, Tristan & 7 year old John Henry transported to Rain Man, Craig for spot cleaning.

Dick's Scottie, Barbara, got a good long walk & Deborah received an early Tango lesson. 

Deborah performed field triage on dangling tubers. 


Paula lopped & snipped; Pam loaded flats into Bill’s truck, gingerly driven by Richard & Brian. 

OK, Richard, no time for Tango, not right now.

Melissa digging her first hillside crop and dividing them

The New American Gothic

Master carvers mentored new dividers:  Curtis trained Dana so well that he answered the challenge of cleaving Arena’s ONLY seedling without faltering. 

Patty crossed the GG Bridge to coach Pam on fine knife work

Ron worked for hours on a gnarly Vernon Rose morass.

Unhampered by his casted foot, Joe whittled at clumps with élan. When the Marines landed, they hit the breach with doughnuts!

Murry & Chuck wielded service knives & delighted apprentices with Marine stories…

Marty and Virginia noted that Chuck is wounded in action.

Joining Elsie & Louise at the Label Table, Barbara, Bonnie, Ann, Louisiana, Monica, Diana, Brett, Thelma & Joann endeavored to scribe Fernridge Painted Lady BBFD var w/r on teensy tubers. 

John manfully thrashed Hillside weeds.
Tinnee rescued marginal sprouts straight into Bill’s milk cartons. 

Despite a niggling cold, Ted captured the adventure digitally.

Bill’s two crock-pots of savory stew augmented our pizza lunch. 

BLESSED BE THE TWO TIMERS! Having heard someone say we were starting at 6 am on Sunday, Dick apologized for getting there late at 7am.

Ron & Joann hiked in from the park’s perimeter.

Erik’s boarding school roommate, Simon, returned to rake the Dell smooth.  A little different than building a velodrome or power stations in the outback.

Erik wheedled Verda tubers from Curtis for the cutting bench.


Erik to Ulriche: "So schreipt man Dahlien"

Erik’s college roomie, Harry, faithfully returned to inscribe tubers. Erik’s bachelor days housemate, Ulrich, brought his wife Ulriche from Munich to heft a shovel for our cause.

Lou & Thelma raised champagne glasses with the faithful to signify another successful DigOut.  Hearty & filthy thanks to everyone for your efforts, contributions, & wonderful attitudes! 

Never too young or too old to divide tubers.

Return to Feb, 2004 eNewsletter

DJ made a cameo appearance.


If you went unmentioned, you did not go unappreciated.
We apologize for any undersights.

Monthly eNewsletter of Dahlia Society of California, Inc., San Francisco, CA
 Editor: Deborah Dietz
    Please address your editorial questions to Deborah@SFDahlia.Org
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