Christmas Party


Particularly Christmasy, Joann, Diane, Elsie, Rose & Thelma sparkled in embroidery and beads. 

Christine sported a holiday red shawl with tassels. 

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In addition to Christmas music, Ted brought his laptop to debut our new website: www.SFDalia.org  Wow.  Three generations of Gaenslers came loaded with ham & a bag full of extra presents “in case someone forgot.” 

The Cornishes
decorated each table
with poinsettias. 

The Juuls pleased everyone again this year with home-made smoked salmon.  I had to scrape off the utensils to taste Jytte’s remarkable salad. 
Rudy’s flan disappeared en una secunda.  Why had Joann held out on those bacon/capered deviled eggs until now????  We reduced Steve’s chik-a-doodle & Deborah’s barbeque pork casserole to dirty pots.  

 Wearing Nicholas on his shoulders, Santa presided over a lively Present Predation.  Later Erik J. commented, “Those were the best presents we’ve ever had to choose from!”  Many plants were well stolen: all 3 amaryllis, a bag of tulips, the spectacular basket of paper whites, & the miniature roses.  Not fooled by the traditional wrapping paper (black garbage bags), Dick’s tool chest and caddies were quickly retired from the fray. 

In a blink, the carpet knife & crystal vase were nabbed to security.  Marty’s photo note cards from the Dell proved the marvel of the evening.  What talent!  Special thanks to everyone who stayed to help clean up & lug things to various cars.
Monthly eNewsletter of Dahlia Society of California, Inc., San Francisco, CA
   Editor: Deborah Dietz
    Please address your editorial questions to Deborah@SFDahlia.Org
    Please address your email circulation and other web questions to