DSC holds informative monthly meetings on growing magnificent dahlias. Lecturers include prominent dahlia growers and hybridizers in the Bay Area and other knowledgeable individuals. Membership also includes a monthly newsletter filled with growing tips and information of coming events. The newsletter can be received either by USPS mail (text only) or via email including color photographs.
DSC members donate all the tubers and maintain the Dahlia Dell in Golden Gate Park. Periodically, hands-on seminars take place in the Dell, teaching planting, grooming, digging out and dividing of the tubers.
Members donate their surplus tubers and plants to the annual Tuber Sale the third Saturday in April. Members also trade tubers and plants amongst themselves. Members who volunteer enjoy early entry to Annual Tuber Sale, held every year on the Third Saturday of April
DSC Bylaws
Annual Membership Fees
Membership runs from May 1st to April 30th of the following year. Returning members: Please renew in April, 2023.
Dahlia Society of California Only
Individual membership — $10.00
Family membership (2/+ at same address) — $15.00
American Dahlia Society (includes membership in DSC)
Individual membership — $40.00
Family membership (2/+at same address) — $50.00
To join, please choose one of the links above.
Prefer to mail in a check? Please download our membership form. You can print it, fill it out, write a check and mail it in.
Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
© 2017 Dahlia Society of California. All rights reserved. | Privacy Statement