Memberships in ADS/DSC run from May to end of April the following year. Returning members – please renew in April, 2023.
Benefits of Membership
An informative monthly newsletter about the Dahlia Society of California (DSC) and its activities, growing tips, rules and regulations about competitive exhibition of blooms, etc. is distributed monthly by email. Members of the American Dahlia Society receive the quarterly Bulletin and the annual classification book.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the County Fair Building at 9th Avenue and Lincoln Way, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.
Membership Types
Dahlia Society of California only:
Individual Membership …………………………..$10.00
Family Membership ……………………………….$15.00
Dahlia Society of California AND American Dahlia Society (includes ADS Classification Book and quarterly Bulletins):
Individual Membership …………………………..$40.00
Family Membership …………………………………$50.00
NEW MEMBERS ONLY: Membership from current time until April 30, 2023, an additional $15
Applications are accepted for both societies, or the DSC only. Combined membership includes ADS at a discounted rate only available in conjunction with local society membership.