To see the full original newsletter with all the photos click here to get the pdf: October 2012 Newsletter
NEXT MEETING: October 9, @ 7:30 time @ 9th and Lincoln
PROGRAM: Last Gasp Mini show: all 18 forms + x3, x5, and an arrangement. No more than 2 entries per category, please. You must be in it to win it! Eighty percent of $ucce$$ is ju$t $howing up. Thrill us with your last jewels of the season. Do come
Thanks to all participants for educating us about dahlia varieties up close and personal and to Erik and the Dingwalls for adjudicating praise and glory. While Nick’s Vecca Lucia garnered Best Novice Bloom, several of his others competed in the open category successfully. Nick’s Pooh nabbed Best Col; his Rembrant taking second ms, and his Verrone’s Obsidian a competitive third. Frank scored prize money with respectable Badger Twinkle, Woodland’s Merinda, and darling Honka. Debby’s maiden fling at showing yielded her award$ for her Eden Barbarosa. Pat and Deborah battled petal a petal for honors with Pat’s magnificent Cynthia Housten winning Best A with her Embrace nabbing Best BB. Deborah scored will with a lovely x5 Jessica, a cool nx Vista Minnie, and ultimately Best in Show, Megan Dean, an ethereal nacreous pink ball introduced just this year.
Thanks to Gino for coming early to open the kitchen and staying later to clean it up. Who will help in October? Many people left with new plants that John D donated. Lemons from the generous Dingwalls went home with many. Tinnee led a postmortem dissection of our very successful Annual Show.
The Nominating Committee will have a slate of officers and directors to suggest for the annual election, which will take place by a secret ballot at the November meeting. Along with the nominees, you will be asked to submit nominations from the floor at our October meeting. For your information, thecurrent Officers are:
President, Tinnee Lee
1st Vice President, Frank Shulkin
2nd Vice President, Elsie Mueller
Treasurer, Joe Norton
Recording Secretary, Marina Rose
Corresponding Secretary, Deborah Dietz
The Board of Directors is comprised of eight individuals, four of whom have one more year on their term of service:
Lou Paradise
John Mani
Donna Mani
Vince McCormick
and four whose service will end on December 31, 2012:
Erik Gaensler
Diana Brogoitti
Devorah Joseph
Pat Hunter
So before the November meeting, please consider DSC members who you feel would be a great addition to the governing body of the Society place their names on the ballot in October. It might be helpful if you contact one of the members of the Nominating Committee before then with you suggestion/ s:
Pat Hunter, Chair
Devorah Joseph
Marina Rose
Ron Dingwall
Please call Pat 415 681 5638
Our wonderful show manager of so many years, Elsie, broke her hip 2 days before our big event. 2 good newses: Elsie is now a star at rehab and DSCers lept into the breach to ad lib a great competition/exhibition. Pat completely reorganized our cupboards. Tinnee and Deborah transported the photo screens from Sharon Meadow. Thank you to all who came on Friday evening to help set up tables. Lou P picked up Court of Honor stands from Elsie’s garage. New member, Tony, entered his first dahlias, clerked and hosted most of Sunday. His positive energy spread to everyone. John and Donna Mani-d the Membership Table on Sunday and Devi and Genevieve answered the public’s questions on Saturday.
After Linda computed all the judges’ choices, DSC awarded almost $1,800 in prizes to over 20 contestants. So many did so well! Nicholas fielded a full Novice section culminating in Best Novice Bloom, Embrace. Pat nailed Juul Introduction with Juul’s Pearl as well as Best Micro, Suitzues Julie. Peg’s Stoneleigh Joyce won Smallest Pom for the second show in a row.
DJ not only trounced the other A’s with Kenora Jubilee, but nabbed Best First Year Seedling and Best Flower of the Year, Juul’s Amber as well as Best Novice Bloom, Embrace. Although only staging a few blooms, the Juuls, nevertheless, maintained their Head Table presence with Best O, Midnight Star and Best Vernon Rose. Devi’s Stillwater Brilliant reigned as Best Large of the Show alongside her Elvira, Flower of the Year, and Best Bi, Jessica, ultimately amalgamating Novice Sweepstakes. Her Olympic Torch arrangement glowed.
Kristine A. knocked everyone’s sox off with a humongous x7 of her AA seedling! Wow. Kristine’s Clearview Louise prevailed in Best 2012 Intro and Best B, Maggie C. People ogled her x5 magnificent AC Dark Horses. Tinnee decorated the Court of Honor with Best Pe, Bishop of Auckland, Best Seedling, bb ic yel, Best Paradise Intro, Eden Barbarosa, and Best Larken-Zydner Intro with a stunning Spring Flag.
The Mortons captured Best Col with Kelsey Radiance, Best MS with LoBlush and Best x5 small with Eden Barbarosa.
Corralitos Gardens fielded Best Micro with Cher Ami, Best Stellar, Primrose Pet and Best Large x3, Sun Catcher.
Team Dietz spent all night staging and was rewarded with Amateur Sweepstakes and loads of Head Table honors: Best NXO, Verrone’s Morning Star; x3 Flower of the Year, Elvira; x5 Colors; x3 Bi, Jessica; Variegated, Rolf; Best IC, Lakeview Glow; Best AA, Kenora Clyde; Best Orange, Eden Barbarosa; Best Ball, Megan Dean; Best WL, Lirio Dorado; and Best NX, Vista Minnie.
Lou Paradise staged all night too, after he spent an hour setting up tables. He won Arrangement Sweepstakes, Best Small with a second year seedling; x3 Small, AC Rooster; x5 Large, Kenora Jubilee; Hall of Fame Candidate, Chimacum Julia; Hall of Famer, Veca Lucia; ADS Seedling Achievement Award, 89.33 with Eden Predator; Floating Carmen Bunkey; Best BB, GW’s Babe; Best MBa, Franz Kafka (why can only Lou grow this cultivar????) Best Pom, Elfin; and Best Pe, Elvira.
Lawrence captured Best Photograph.
Doug Almand, reviving Almand Dahlia Gardens from his famous uncle, Jack Almand, drove 6 hours to bring beautiful flowering dahlia buckets as well as excellent specimens including, Bradley Aaron, 3113. As always, Devi exhibited some cool new cultivars: Christie Dancer, 2306 and, Marcia Pat, 2510, which actually laciniates in San Francisco! DJ stunned the public with a malevolently dark Kenora Macop B as well as delighted them with Rejeman’s Firecracker, 2514, a veritable variegated explosion in red and yellow. The Mortons showed Mingus Mike B, 2512; Hilltop Glow, 3010 which really did glow; and Rita 2512. Deborah took Best Amateur BB with Scott’s RW, a very spiky cactus, easily matched for multiples. With dainty gold tips Wyoming Wedding, 3105, took Best Novice Min for Katy Bannister.
So many great seedlings promise delight in the future. Corralitos has a bi-color with half the flower yellow and half orange. Lou’s first year seedling 3212, scintillates. Tinnee has fully double purple novelty with petals all orchid involuted which she (and Frank) call Multiple O, 7608. DJ and Peg’s propagations are paying off already. Seedlings are many people’s favorite destination.
For the Parks big fund-raising gala, the Dellizens donated over 300 dahlias. Jenna hand crafted more than 50 darling boutonnieres for Park Board and other dignitaries. Nicole arranged autumnal dahlias in individual bottles to add festive colors in the transparent tent. Erik, Shelly, Deborah and Orlando attended and urged visits to our magnificent Dell.
What a great blessing to have a beautiful day from the get-go for our annual picnic as Soc and Beth delivered bunches of food from Erik’s home. They helped set up the tables and beautiful African tablecloths with the inimitable surgery clamps. Fabulous food including wonderful meat balls, sausages, salads of all sorts, and glorious desserts! MMMM. Gigi the Clown painted amazing faces and tattoos. Balloons twisted into teddy bears, wiener dogs and various head gear. Erik and Deborah led people around the Dell with lively explanations. When Erik was praised for his dahlai erudition, he would point to Lou Paradise and say, “He’s Beethoven, I’m just Liberace.” Nicolas entertained his pals up in his hillside quadrant. The fire truck delighted all ages.
What a splendid annual tradition!
What a great growing season we are having! Nevertheless, you will notice that your blooms diminish in size and number and some sport open centers as our days grow shorter. Do not worry: it is the season and not the plant suddenly behaving poorly. I sometimes disbud down 2 levels to fortify the extant flowers. Begin cutting back on water depending on the weather. Dahlias like to be very wet and then very dry. Spray your favorite prophylactic cocktail cum fertilizer one more time. Toss out poor performers! Double check all your labels against the ADS Classification Book. Rogue: if you have more than one clump of a given cultivar, label which one is best. Retain that one for your stock. Swan Island plants over a hundred of a given variety and only makes cuttings from the 3 or 4 outstanding versions in a given row—thereby always improving their stock. You should, too. Mildew? There is still time to strip off all the dusted leaves and then spray with a fungicide. Remember to err on the dilute side. I recommend a dilute spraying every 4 days over 12 days. You may enjoy a wonderful new flush of blooms. Roland Verrone just emailed that he had an early in Sept. frost which killed off all his plants. Let’s be grateful that we need not worry about such a calamity in our temperate Bay Area. If you continually dead head back to new growth, you should have dahlias on your winter holiday tables. If you have a greenhouse or a book shelf greenhouse arrangement, now is the time to pluck off bottom laterals and pot them up for next season. You might even be able to take cuttings from your cuttings if you start now. Do keep a spritzer of very dilute cocktail around so you can spritz with fungicide, insecticide and fertilizer. Last chance to photograph your lovely dahlias both for your records and for the ADS Photo Contest. Your pix would also be useful at our tuber sale when you bring in your extras.
Yours in Dirt,
Dahlia Society of California, Inc., San Francisco, CA — Copyrighted
Editor: Deborah Dietz
Page layout: Mike Willmarth
Photo credits: Dietz